Green Party wins in BC!
Manly will become the second Green Party member in Parliament, joining Leader Elizabeth May. His victory shows the other parties that Canadians are serious about climate change, Manly said, adding he expects the Green wave of support to grow in the October election. "It's time to step up and do what needs to be done and have a little bit of political courage to deal with climate change properly," Manly said. "Stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry." 'Brave to vote for real change' Ilan Goldenblatt, Manly's campaign manager, said voters in Nanaimo served notice to the Liberals, Conservatives and New Democrats that Canadians want more movement on environmental issues. "There's a real strong sense here on the West Coast and on Vancouver Island that the three old-line parties are just slow on the uptake on actually committing to real action," he said.